Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Shepherd's Story

Funny thing is that people don't realise how shocking it was to have shepherds involved in the most important event in history.
Shepherds do look lovely in the pictures – the usual ones you have on your Christmas cards. Lovely and clean. The sheep too, but you know the truth's a bit different with sheep. Shepherds much the same.
It wasn't just that you don't get to wash much in the hills. We were social scum so what's the point? Until we met those heavenly messengers we were nobodies and we treated ourselves as such.
Worse than nobodies, often labelled criminals.
True, most of us had done bad things – often it was the reason we were in the hills, to get away from the law, or the booze, or the women after us because of children we “gifted” them on a rare night in town. But there was no chance now of ever being any different. Labelled for life, good people want nothing to do with us. Surely you don't do that to people in your day, now that you've got Jesus.
So we don't belong in the pretty Christmas picture. But we do belong in the Christmas story – if you have got the message right. If you have really heard the good news and you believe it to be true.
Good news, yes. Good news because it puts God and God's approach to things, so to speak, in charge. If you want to know what that means, look at who the baby grew up to be. We realised something was up when we saw his parents, when they told us their story. A likely story, but we know what it's like when people jump to conclusions about us, so we believed them. It had to be God involved in this. Who else chooses dodgy people?
Look at the people Jesus chose, the people he spent time with, and all the good and proper people got more than just their noses out of joint. There are no outsiders in Jesus' view of the world. Even criminals belong in God's care. Even people who make mistakes, big or little.
Changed our lives? Yes, it did. When you realise you matter – that God's messengers pick you out, God picks you out – that changes everything. Attitude, behaviour, what we expected of ourselves, who we could become.
The good news is that God knows who we can become, and it's all good. Believe it and you start becoming it.
We're still shepherds, but it's not an escape anymore. It happens to be where we belong and can be the people God calls us to be.

Rangimarie Peace Shalom, Robyn